Entries by admin

Larry Weltman, Balancing Cardio and Strength Training

You want to be fit, to have endurance and speed.  But you want to gain muscle as well.  Can you do both?  Yes, you can.  Even though the experts don’t all agree on this idea of balance, I, Larry Weltman, believe it can be achieved.

Larry Weltman – How I Stay Fit Even With the Busiest Of Schedules

I’ll begin by saying that I love my work.  I work as a Customer Service Representative at AccessEasyFunds, a commission advance company for Canadian real estate agents, and it’s been one of the most rewarding positions I’ve had so far in my career.  But, it does keep me busy, and along with my family responsibilities, I sometimes have precious little time left for exercising and keeping in shape.

Larry Weltman – How I Motivate Myself to Go to the Gym Even During a Blizzard

Most of us have been there before – all day we’ve been mentally committed to going to the gym. We’ve set aside time for going, even marked it on our daily planner. But, when the hour comes to actually get dressed and go, no matter how strong and genuine our intentions were, we flake. The excuses for doing so are as numerous as the amount of times we’ve experienced these disappointing situations: we were too tired to workout; work ran over;